Who are we?

Send Cola is a collaboration of local churches across the greater Columbia area that exists to work together to encourage churches to make disciples of all nations, identify, and equip believers for this task, and send out healthy cross-cultural workers to proclaim the gospel and make disciples of Jesus among the unreached in joyful obedience to the Great Commission.

Send Cola churches are aligned together under the Lausanne Covenant.

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Partnering Churches


SENDCOLA Core Values

The Gospel - We exist for the purpose of sharing the good news of salvation through Jesus with all people groups on earth. All that we do in Columbia and around the world will be for the explicit purpose of gospel proclamation in word and deed.

Prayer - We acknowledge our dependence upon God and declare our confidence that he will accomplish his redemptive work among all people groups (Rev 7:9-10). We will dedicate ourselves to praying fervently that God would reach the nations through us.

Unreached People Groups - We recognize the biblical priority of those who have never yet heard the gospel (Rom 15:20-21) in completing the Great Commission. Our sending efforts will focus entirely on expanding the border of gospel access to unreached and Bibleless people groups.

Multiplying Disciples and Churches - We believe that indigenous churches are the fruit of a gospel presence within a people group. We will emphasize church planting as the biblical means of multiplying disciples in a people movement toward Christ.

Collaboration - We understand that the Great Commission belongs to God’s global Church. We therefore commit ourselves to partnering together with any church who shares agreement with us on essential gospel doctrines (see the Lausanne Covenant).

Equipping - We desire our workers to go to the unreached adequately prepared for gospel ministry. Our goal is to equip churches for  missional engagement and provide workers with practical training and personal outreach experience as they prepare for cross-cultural service.

Sending/Supporting/Sustaining - We pray that our workers will have healthy and fruitful ministries for many years on the field. We commit to “holding the rope” by supporting our workers financially, spiritually, relationally, and emotionally throughout their tenure overseas and at home.


The Cola Network

Learn more about who The Cola Network is and what all we're doing in Columbia to collaborate as One Church for the glory of God and the good of our city.